[Mailman-Users] Mailman mailing lists are gone!

Dale & Lora Marshall marshall at cliffhanger.com
Sat Oct 23 16:08:19 CEST 2010

Using Mailman version: 2.1.12rc2

For some reason all of my mailing lists are now disconnected from mailman.  There is data in /usr/local/mailman/lists, and also lots of data in the archives/private dir.  But when I try to go to the admin page on any list I get a "list does not exist" message.  I did a yum update the other day.

What has happened and how do I fix it?
Second question:

In my Apache logfile I'm getting the following warning:

[Sat Oct 23 09:44:08 2010] [warn] The Alias directive in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf at line 583 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier Alias.
[Sat Oct 23 09:44:08 2010] [warn] The ScriptAlias directive in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf at line 584 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier ScriptAlias.

The two lines in question are:

#       MailMan Settings
Alias       /pipermail/  "/usr/local/mailman/archives/public/"
ScriptAlias /mailman/    "/usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/"

I don't remember seeing this before I did a yum update the other day.


- Dale



Dale & Lora Marshall                    Internet Marketing Services

http://www.SpottedDragon.com/           http://www.internet-ms.com

marshall at cliffhanger.com                dalem at internet-ms.com

                                        loram at internet-ms.com



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