[Mailman-Users] Mailman Archives page not updating

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Sun Mar 14 15:44:43 CET 2010

You're using the wrong arch; there's an arch command that tells you your 
machine's architecture (i.e. i686).

What you'll want to do is go into /usr/lib/mailman/bin and execute


and similarly for cleanarch


from there to make sure that you're executing the right thing.  Or you 
can use the whole path (/usr/lib/mailman/bin/arch) to ensure that you're 
running the command you want to be running.

(This is happening because your machine (sensibly) doesn't look for 
executables in the current path.  I'm sure there's a nice tutorial as to 
why and how to work like this if you're curious.)

LexIcon wrote:
> In regards to previous list message 
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2008-February/060593.html 
> ...
> I am entering "arch" in the /bin directory (/usr/lib/mailman/bin on a 
> CentOS server), but the archive does not rebuild, and I only get the 
> message "i686" back.
> I tried using "cleanarch" but I get the error message "bash: cleanarch: 
> command not found"
> I also get "bash: mailmanctl: command not found"
> Typing "ls", I can see all of the files are present, so I'm not sure 
> what is going wrong.
> - Lex
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