[Mailman-Users] Outlook Vote Buttons vs Mailman

Kammen van, Marco, Springer SBM NL Marco.vanKammen at springer.com
Tue Mar 2 13:33:00 CET 2010

Dear List, 


I had a interesting case today where a user didn't see the Voting
buttons in a E-mail where other colleagues did.

When doing some digging this user got the mail via a Mailman list...


Is it correct to assume that as soon as a message leaves the Exchange
system and is processed by another mailer with Mailman, that voting
buttons created in Outlook are cut off?

If so are there any known solutions for this?





Marco van Kammen
Springer Science+Business Media
System Manager & Postmaster 


van Godewijckstraat 30 | 3311 GX
Office Number: 05E21 
Dordrecht | The Netherlands 







www.springeronline.com <http://www.springeronline.com>  
www.springer.com <http://www.springer.com/> 




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