[Mailman-Users] Unsubscribe in Footer - was: How delete attechment file ATT00xxx.txt ?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sun Jun 13 16:47:37 CEST 2010

westernz wrote:
>Do you know how say in footer (now i want a footer... tsss...) to be
>unregistred clic here.
>And have an url where the membre of list will ne desctived from the list.
>Not deleted (because i maybe will add it a new time later by error), only
>descatived after gone to the gave url.

If your list is confirmed opt-in (invite rather than subscribe users
and require confirmation for subscription) you won't have to worry
about adding people who don't want to be on your list. If you are
potentially adding people to your list who have previously
unsubscribed without a specific request from the user to be
resubscribed, you are a spammer.

If your list is personalized, you can do as this list does and have a
link to the user options page as an unsubscribe link by putting

Unsubscribe: %(user_optionsurl)s

in the footer,

Do do anything close to what you want you would need to construct a
line like

Unsubscribe: http://example.com/your_cgi/%(user_address)s

perhaps also including %(list_name)s, and your cgi would have to
collect and remember the addresses and do the unsubscribing or
possibly set the user to no-mail and turn off her password reminders.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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