[Mailman-Users] Reply address

Richard Smits R.Smits at tudelft.nl
Mon Jun 7 14:02:26 CEST 2010


We have a strange problem with our mailman server and some mailclients. 
I will explain. Sometimes when a member sends email to a list, and 
someone replies to that mail, the reply goes to the list.

And sometimes the To : adres is listname-bounces at listserver.ourcompany.net

My question is, is there maybe an issue with specific mailclients not 
responding correctly to the headers inserted by mailman ?

Our company uses a lot of different mailclients, so i am not yet after 
the cause of this. But is it possible that this happens ?

I will hunt for more specific information, but maybe someone could give 
me some hints ?

Greetings .. Richard

R. (Richard) Smits
TU Delft / Shared Service centre ICT
r.smits at tudelft.nl

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