[Mailman-Users] Umbrella List

Jeff Grossman jeffg at turners.com
Sun Jul 11 16:49:21 CEST 2010

On Sat, 10 Jul 2010 13:51:39 -0700, Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net> wrote:
> Jeff Grossman wrote:
>>I have two umbrella lists.  When a bounce gets received it doesn't do
>>anything because the users are not subscribed to the umbrella list.  Is
>>there a way for me to set the umbrella lists up so all bounce messages
>>are forwarded to my e-mail so I can make sure the bad e-mail addresses
>>get removed?
> Are these traditional umbrella lists where the sub-lists are members of
> the umbrella, or are they 'regular include lists'?
> If the former, messages to the users should be coming from the
> sub-lists and bounces should be handled correctly.
> If the latter, the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/TIA9> which discusses
> this method points out that bounce processing doesn't work for
> sub-list members. As to what you can do about it, if you have access
> to the list's aliases, and if the 'umbrella' lists have no members,
> you can change the alias for the 'umbrella-bounces' list to deliver to
> you (or to 'umbrella-owner') so you can handle the bounces manually.
> The fact that the FAQ says "Note however, that currently (Mailman
> 2.1.12) bounce processing won't work in this case ..." would seem to
> imply that I intended to make it work in some future release, and I
> may yet do so.

Thank you Mark.  It is the latter method and I have changed the aliases to
point to my e-mail account.  This should work out just fine for what I am


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