[Mailman-Users] Private archive nightmare with vhosts

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Jan 27 02:59:31 CET 2010

UGSD wrote:
>First problem that I encountered was the single namespace issue with virtual domains, so i removed the stock Mailman 2.1.12 that came with Ubuntu,
>downloaded Mailman 2.1.7 and patched it with mailman-2.1.7-release-to-vhost.patch from http://ndim.fedorapeople.org/stuff/mailman-vhost/.
>That went pretty smooth, compiled and installed without any major issues. 

Before you commit too heavily to this, I suggest you look at the first
570+ lines at
and see if you really want to be installing a 4 year old release.

>put these in mm_cfg.py:
>DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'lists.dept.university.edu'
>DEFAULT_URL_HOST   = 'lists.dept.university.edu'
>add_virtualhost('lists.domain1.net', 'lists.domain1.net')
>add_virtualhost('lists.domain2.net', 'lists.domain2.net')
>POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = ['lists.domain1.net', 'lists.domain2.net']
>After that I setup Postfix, added a new list  "test-list" which was automatically created in the right place - /path/to/mailman/lists/lists.domain1.net/test-list/ 
>So no problem here. I subscribed to the list, confirmed the subscription and sent couple of test messages. Everything worked great.
>Next i went to browse the archives and encountered another problem. The URLs for the Public archives were not right, but I got around it with a simple Apache rewrite:
>	RewriteCond	%{REQUEST_URI}	!^/pipermail/([a-z]+)\.(.*)?$	[NC]
>	RewriteRule 	^/pipermail/(.*)$ /pipermail/%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R=301,L]
>Basically all it does is insert "lists.domainX.net" between /pipermail/ and /test-list/. Public archives are now working with http://lists.domain1.net/pipermail/lists.domain1.net/test-list/

So you can't have lists with names beginning with letters and a dot.

I think a better method would be a separate Alias /pipermail/ directive
in each VirtualHost block.

>Next I tried to test Private archives and this is where I hit the wall and need some help with.
>The listinfo page for my test-list showed that the URL for the private archives was http://lists.domain1.net/private/test-list, so i figured i would be able to fix it with the same rewrite rule that i used for the Public archives. 

The patch is supposed to present the correct URL for both private and
public archive access. I probably won't have time before Thursday to
look at this in detail (and I only do it at all because OCD is a
terrible thing to waste).

[long sad tale snipped]

You are applying band-aids upon band-aids and you'll never stop the
bleeding until you properly fix the underlying problem.

As I said, because I'm compulsive I will look at this in more detail
and follow up, but probably not for a few days.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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