[Mailman-Users] Virtual host with "manual" MTA? - summary

Tim Bingham binghamt at upstate.edu
Thu Feb 4 20:15:46 CET 2010

>Tim Bingham wrote:
>>I read up what I could find (and understand) about virtual hosts and
>>I was able to successfully create the list with the alternate host
>>name, configure Apache to have a virtual host pointed to the web
>>interface for that list, and I added a domain to our DNS and set up
>>the host name there. I can subscribe to the list and post to it using
>>the virtual host name, but email coming out from the list has the
>>real host name as the reply address.
>Mark Sapiro wrote:
>If host_name is "lists.project.org", then it is probably your MTA that
>is rewriting the domain. This is an MTA configuration and/or DNS
>issue. The FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/uYA9> may be helpful.

Thanks for your help, and my apologies for not finding that FAQ entry 
you indicated. It held the key. I simply changed my DNS entry for the 
virtual domain from a CNAME to an A record and that fixed the 
problem. Outgoing emails now maintain the desired virtual domain name.


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