[Mailman-Users] Phrase count

Andrew Hodgson andrew at hodgsonfamily.org
Wed Dec 1 17:10:11 CET 2010

Mark Sapiro wrote:


>Andrew Hodgson wrote:

>>David Doria wrote:
>>>Is it possible to download the entire archive as one file?
>>>I see that they are broken down into months:
>>To get the .mbox file directly you will need to access the server and download the file as a privileged user.  It may be quite large due to the >size of the archive.

>You don't need shell/privileged access to the server to get the archive mbox. You just need to be a list member.

>Authenticate for private archive access by going to a URL like <http://www.vtk.org/mailman/private/vtkusers/> and logging in. Then get ><http://www.vtk.org/mailman/private/vtkusers.mbox/vtkusers.mbox>.

Ah, didn't realise that was possible, disregard my previous message on this subject.  Authentication was the key point.


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