[Mailman-Users] Mailman and htdig - issues after installing htdig

Scott Race scott at 916networks.com
Sat Aug 21 00:27:17 CEST 2010

Hi Karl,
Yes, I do have the mailman_project.conf file in the location show below, here it is - also, it's owned by root:mailman with 664 permissions:

database_dir: /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/mailman_project/htdig
start_url: http://lists2.cacities.org/mailman/htdig/mailman_project/
limit_urls_to: ${start_url}
local_urls: http://lists2.cacities.org/mailman/htdig/mailman_project/=/usr/local/mailman/archives/private/mailman_project/
local_urls_only: true
url_part_aliases: http://lists2.cacities.org/mailman/htdig/mailman_project/ *mm-htdig*
script_name: http://lists2.cacities.org/mailman/mmsearch/mailman_project
noindex_end: <!--/htdig_noindex-->
noindex_start: <!--htdig_noindex-->
exclude_urls: /cgi-bin/ .cgi
bad_extensions: .wav .gz .z .sit .au .zip .tar .hqx .exe .com .gif \


-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Zander [mailto:kwz-mm at commpartners.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 3:25 PM
To: Scott Race; mailman-users at python.org
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman and htdig - issues after installing htdig

On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 10:48:52 -0700
 Scott Race <scott at 916networks.com> wrote:

>Second - htdig seems like it's almost there, but when I run a search, I get:
>htsearch detected an error. 
>Unable to read word database file '/usr/local/mailman/archives/private/mailman_project/htdig/db.words.db'
>Did you run htdig?
>I'm assuming I just need to run /usr/bin/rundig, which I have.  Checkd the permissions against a post Mark had a little while back, mailman:mailman is what my db directory and files are set to.
>htsearch returns same error above from command line (about did you run htdig). 
>Rebooted server just to see, no effect.
>Ran /cron/nightly_htdig -v mailman_project and it actually worked, returned:
>htdig'ing archive of list: mailman_project
>now, only problem is when I do a search - it returns a blank page.

Are there any messages in the archive?  Is there anything unique you can search for?  

Do you have a htdig conf file for the list in 

What's in mailman_project.conf?


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