[Mailman-Users] digests without 'message #n..."

Rob Lingelbach rob at colorist.org
Fri Sep 25 17:44:47 CEST 2009

On Sep 24, 2009, at 5:13 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

> Plain format digests have messages inline separated by the RFC 1153
> separator line (30 hyphens) followed by selected headers and the
> scrubbed message body.
> MIME format digests have each message as a separate MIME message/ 
> rfc822
> part with partial headers and the MIME message body.
> The "Message: n" line is aadded by digest processing as a message
> header. Which headers appear in plain and MIME format digests is
> controled by the settings MIME_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS and
> PLAIN_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS, both of which include Message: by default.
> However, what you actually see in the MIME format digest depends  
> almost
> entirely on the MUA used to view it.

thank you for the detailed reply.

on further investigation, it appears Apple's Mail.app is behaving  
with MIME format digests, when compared to mail(1), mutt(1), and the  
Squirrelmail.   Mail.app doesn't present separators in any predictable  
fashion, and
includes huge amounts of white space, with no individually-viewable  
message option,
as far as I can tell.

Incidentally Squirrelmail, my last-resort reader, presents the  
messages quite nicely
as a formatted list of attachments.  I have a feeling mutt(1) could do  
the same thing
with a bit of tweaking.

Rob Lingelbach
rob at colorist.org

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