[Mailman-Users] Listserv Management

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat Oct 3 01:39:26 CEST 2009

Jim Baker wrote:

>I am using your list management system to manage listservs.  Generally love

I know that use of Listserv(r) as a generic term to refer to an email
list or email list management software is ubiquitious, and I'm just
pissing in the wind to fight it, but Listserv(r) is a registered
trademark[1] owned by the developer of a particular email list
management product, and it shouldn't be used generically.

My personal interest in this is not to protect the Listserv(r)
trademark, but rather to avoid confusing Listserv(r) email list
management software with any other email list management software
including GNU Mailman of which I am a developer.

[1] <http://www.lsoft.com/corporate/trademark.asp>

>Is there a way that I can designate a user to be able to manage members of
>the list.  I only want them to be able to view, add and delete members.

Via the web GUI, not without significant code modification.

If they can get a command shell on the server, you can create a wrapper
to allow them to run selected Mailman commands. You could also create
the same kind of wrapper to allow the web server to do Mailman
commands and create, e.g., php web applications to do membership
maintenance. See the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/uIA9>.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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