[Mailman-Users] Corrupt 'config.pck' file

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Nov 19 23:14:07 CET 2009

Quintin T. Williams wrote:

>Hello - I have an issue with my Mailman App.  I'm using an OpenBSD server.
>3.5 and I have version 2.1.4.  When I attempt to go to the web page for the
>lists for Email groups I get the following mesg:
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/usr/local/src/ports/mail/mailman/w-mailman-2.1.4/fake-i386/usr/local/lib/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 609, in Load
>MMCorruptListDatabaseError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
>I realize that since I don't have a config.db.last file I looked that the
>Config.pck and the config.pck.last files and they are both empty.

When the config.pck for a list is non-existent or unreadable, Mailman
tries to fall back to config.pck.last and then to the Mailman 2.0.x
files config.db and config.db.last. When it ultimately throws the
MMCorruptListDatabaseError exception, it reports the status from the
last file it tried which often is the "No such file or directory:
> .../config.db.last" because most 2.1.x installations don't have the old config.db files.

>I do not
>have a backup for this email group so I need to understand how to recreate
>the config. files.  Do I rebuild this from scratch OR is there another way
>besides rebuilding it?  Also can I cp files from other lists and use that as
>my seed to rebuild?  I've also performed a 'dumpdb' and found nothing that I
>could use.  Can anyone provide me the steps to take to rebuild this list?

You effectively need to recreate the list configuration and membership
from scratch. I think the easiest thing is to remove the config.pck
and config.pck.last from the lists/LISTNAME/ directory and then create
a new LISTNAME list and proceed to configure it and add members.

>I'm new to mailman so any instructions please be very specific with the

rm /var/spool/mailman/lists/aq-ngp-ml/config*
/path/to/mailman/bin/newlist aq-ngp-ml

Then you can use the web admin interface to configure the lis and mass
subscribe the members.

This will leave the existing archives intact.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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