[Mailman-Users] Personalized Digests

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Nov 11 15:21:03 CET 2009

Mark J Bradakis wrote:
>I'd rather not turn on VERP for all 60+ lists I'm running.  As I recall
>it is a domain wide setting, not a per list setting.

Yes, VERP is a sitewide setting. You can VERP only personalized
deliveries, but you then have the catch-22 - digests aren't

>I was hoping there might be a way to use something like $(user_address)
>in non-digest mode on digest mailings for just the one list with the
>problem child on it.

It requires modifications to a few Mailman modules. It would be easier
to set VERP_DELIVERY_INTERVAL = 1 for long enough to get the

You could even change your crontab to run a shell script instead of

The script could

1. edit mm_cfg.py to set VERP_DELIVERY_INTERVAL = 1
2. do bin/mailmanctl restart
2.5 sleep a bit
3. do cron/senddigests -l problem_list
3.5 sleep a bit
4. edit mm_cfg.py to set VERP_DELIVERY_INTERVAL = 0
5. do bin/mailmanctl restart
5.5 sleep a bit
6. do cron/senddigests

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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