[Mailman-Users] Renaming a List

Drew Tenenholz drew.tenenholz at isid.org
Tue May 26 20:37:03 CEST 2009

Folks --

I'm thinking of changing the name of one of my lists and have read 
through the FAQ 4.70 
<http://wiki.list.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4030617> which 
says the basic tasks are:

  mv lists/oldlist lists/newlist
  mv archives/private/oldlist archives/private/newlist
  mv archives/private/oldlist.mbox archives/private/newlist.mbox
  mv archives/private/newlist.mbox/oldlist.mbox 

as well as rebuilding the archives.

Is there any reason I cannot use cp (copy) or ditto (copy with 
identical permissions) instead of mv (move) as a first step, confirm 
the 'new' list is working, and then go back and run bin/rmlist?  I'm 
a bit paranoid about the setup, and would like to be able to make 
non-catastrophic mistakes.

If so, any opinions on whether to use cp versus ditto?

Drew Tenenholz

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