[Mailman-Users] How to manually get a list of passwords for all members to be sent to the administration

Grant Taylor gtaylor at riverviewtech.net
Mon Jan 19 23:01:31 CET 2009

Somewhat off topic so skip this email if you want to.

On 01/19/09 15:24, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Good point. Unfortunately, the current implementation doesn't lend 
> itself to that. While each tool (admin mass subscribe, 
> bin/add_members and bin/sync_members) that does bulk adds currently 
> uses a common function to parse the input into name and address, that 
> function is part of the Python email library and would have to be 
> replaced by some other, possibly Mailman specific, function to handle 
> the password. Further, the parsing and resultant passing of the 
> parsed values is done in the tool, not in the underlying method which 
> adds the member, so each tool would have to be modified individually 
> anyway.

Ok...  It is my (mis)understanding that this is one of the nice things 
about Object Oriented programming languages like Python in such as it is 
possible to have a new class inherit a parent's class and then extend 
it.  I would think that this type of things would lend its self to this, 
maybe not.  If it did, you would just start referencing the new extended 
class object rather than the one built in to Python.  But seeing what I 
think of OO, and to some extent Python, I may be speaking out my <BEEP>.

> Of course, it this were to be done, there should be a common syntax 
> for optionally adding the password information.


So the question becomes, is it worth the effort to provide future 
functionality, something that I can't answer.

Grant. . . .

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