[Mailman-Users] htdig-mailman patch(es) - blank page results onlyso far

Capps, John M john.m.capps at intel.com
Mon Dec 7 20:09:24 CET 2009

Thanks Mark,

Yeah, the FHS patch is there, and you are indeed correct there are options missing without this PATCH applied, options like lock dir, etc...  Not sure which one may be causing an issue with htdig, but will make the attempt to at least get that patch in conjunction with the indexing and the htdig patch.

Other patches in addition to FHS are (ctypo,selinux,Unicode,privurl,mmcfg,fhsinit).

Thanks for the --wipe and scripting suggestion, seems more appropriate indeed.

The url http://mailmansite.com/mailman/mmsearch/listname does in fact produce the desired result (referrer not known).

If that is all working correctly, the problem is in htdig. mmsearch
just sets CONFIG_DIR in the environment to your HTDIG_CONF_LINK_DIR
setting and then opens a pipe to and from the command in your
HTDIG_HTSEARCH_PATH setting, writes the search parameters to the pipe
and reads and displays the result.
What happens if you run '/usr/bin/htsearch' by hand?

If I run it from bash, specifying a config file with -c in the config directory, it also returns blank results (specifying text format).

Like So: /usr/bin/htsearch -c /var/lib/mailman/archives/htdig/listname.conf
Enter value for words: recentword 
Content-type: text/html

Enter value for format: text

Could it be the config file written?

database_dir: /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/listname/htdig
start_url: http://mailmansite.com/mailman/htdig/listname/
limit_urls_to: ${start_url}
local_urls: http://mailmansite.com/mailman/htdig/listname/=/var/lib/mailman/archives/private/listname/
local_urls_only: true
url_part_aliases: http://mailmansite.com/mailman/htdig/listname/ *mm-htdig*
script_name: http://mailmansite.com/mailman/mmsearch/bta_developers
noindex_end: <!--/htdig_noindex-->
noindex_start: <!--htdig_noindex-->
exclude_urls: /cgi-bin/ .cgi
(the following template content seems appropriate)

Well, I might go back to patch fun, but you do seem to have narrowed the problem down to htdig itself... perhaps some way it is creating the dbs?

I notice that the /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/listname/htdig directory does not have permissions appropriate for the Apache host to access....

Jeremy (John) Capps
Software Engineer
DHG - Consumer Electronics
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:mark at msapiro.net] 
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 9:25 AM
To: Capps, John M; mailman-users at python.org
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] htdig-mailman patch(es) - blank page results onlyso far

Capps, John M wrote:
>I am running Mailman 2.1.12 with the following 2.1.12 patches applied (archiver index control/htdig integration)
>My method of building and build results were a little rockier than I had hoped for.  I utilize FC10 systems mainly and so I wanted to make an FC12 RPM with the patches.
>I found that the 'Fedora way' of building mailman involved a fairly complex set of patches already, and it would be a lot of effort to find out through  relative set of diff and patch to noodle out how to package this in a Fedora manner, so I followed this course of action:

I don't know what else there is, but John Dennis' original RedHat FHS
patch is at

>Changed a FC10 mailman 2.1.11 spec to only patch these two patches, removing all Fedora specific patches.
>Changed some symlink behavior to preserve the precious /etc/mailman link *to* a /var/lib/mailman/data/sitelist.cfg target (the FC10 makes the symlink the other direction)

Note that sitelist.cfg is not actually used for anything by Mailman. It
is intended ONLY as suggested input to bin/config_list for configuring
the 'mailman' site list since the default new list configuration is
probably not appropriate for that list.

>Substituted a different init script (the FC10 /etc/init.d/mailman), which does an 'install' of the cron script and then a 'python mailmanctl  -s -q start' to start:
>The configure options for the FC10 spec file looks like so (mmdir=/usr/lib/mailman):
>./configure --libdir=%{_libdir} --prefix=%{mmdir}  --with-var-prefix=%{varmmdir}   --with-config-dir=%{configdir}  --with-lock-dir=%{lockdir}  --with-log-dir=%{logdir} \
>        --with-pid-dir=%{piddir}  --with-queue-dir=%{queuedir}  --with-python=%{__python}   --with-mail-gid=%{mailgroup}  --with-cgi-id=%{cgiuser} \
>        --with-cgi-gid=%{cgigroup}  --with-mailhost=localhost.localdomain  --with-urlhost=localhost.localdomain --without-permcheck

Some of those config options rely on RedHat patches to configure.

>So after I got it built I had missed a few things:
>The %{mmdir}/archives/htdig folder needed to be created to match my mm_cfg.py goodies:
>HTDIG_HTSEARCH_PATH = '/usr/bin/htsearch'
>HTDIG_RUNDIG_PATH = '/usr/bin/rundig'
>HTDIG_CONF_LINK_DIR = '/var/lib/mailman/archives/htdig'
>MTA = 'Postfix'
>SHORTCUT_ICON = 'xxxxx.png'
>Then I ran this to create indices (and htdig dbs/symlinks):
>LISTS=`ls /var/lib/mailman/lists`
>for list in ${LISTS[@]};do
>   /usr/lib/mailman/bin/arch $list

You probably should have included the --wipe option to bin/arch and a
more robust script is

for list in $(/usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_lists --bare);do
   /usr/lib/mailman/bin/arch --wipe $list

>I made a symlink from /var/www/htdig where FC10 puts htdig (3.2.0-0.3.b6.fc10) common files /usr/share/htdig and added to my VirtualHost Apache definition:
>Alias /htdig/ /usr/share/htdig/
>Then ran '/usr/bin/python -v /usr/lib/mailman/cron/nightly_htdig'  and great, I was up and had a per list (even private) search form with all my search fields available.
>I then went to do a search and all I got back was a blank page, no errors in the mailman log nor the Apache error log.

The action for the search form should be to post to a url like

If you just go to that URL in a browser, you should get a response like:

htdig Archives Access Failure
CGI problem. -5-Field count -4- fields:

If you want to make another attempt to access a list archive then go
via the list users information page.

If this problem persists then please e-mail the following information
to the mailman at example.com:

    Referer not known

If that is all working correctly, the problem is in htdig. mmsearch
just sets CONFIG_DIR in the environment to your HTDIG_CONF_LINK_DIR
setting and then opens a pipe to and from the command in your
HTDIG_HTSEARCH_PATH setting, writes the search parameters to the pipe
and reads and displays the result.

It detects a bad status and a null response. It logs a bad status in
Mailman's error log and should display either an error message or the
non-null response.

What happens if you run '/usr/bin/htsearch' by hand?

>I tried passing mail through a public and private list to see if that would 'prime the pump' as it were, but to no avail.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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