[Mailman-Users] Approved: password header!

Khalil Abbas khillo100 at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 6 20:34:36 CEST 2009

Dear Mailman admins,


I have a suggestion for you .. I'm running 42 lists for my clients, I let them use microsoft outlook to send their newletters to their customers and I do the management part .. since someone hacked into one of my lists and started posting to it using the modertor's email address (I posted a message about this before) and you suggested the : 'Approved: Password' header and I seached all over to see how to add a custom header to the damn outlook in vain .. so every day  have to approve messages for my clients which is a real pain in the act!


my suggestion is, before I had the honor to use outlook I had Smartermail .. they have a cool feature of approving messages with passwords is to use it in the subject line itself : "[password: PASSWORD] Subject bla bla bla"..  then it removes the password part of course ..


why don't you guys do the same? it sure beats adding a custom header and stuff .. because in html messages it's really hard to do that !!


Thanks ..



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