[Mailman-Users] "Messages Awaiting Approval" email wildly inaccurate

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue Sep 30 21:32:32 CEST 2008

Christopher Hatty wrote:

>One of our mailman lists sends a daily message saying that it has over 8,000
>waiting messages in the queue. This number increases daily no matter what we
>Trying to go to its moderation page results in a server error. The server
>error in question is the kind that generally requires the use of
>mailman/bin/discard in order to get rid of the messages.
>Actually running mailman/bin/discard deletes only a few messages, and there
>are no remaining messages in mailman/data after this has been run. But the
>next day's "waiting messages" email increases, rather than decreasing or
>remaining constant.
>I think this is the result of someone manually deleting messages from

That's probably correct.

>Is there any way to fix the problem?

If your Mailman version is 2.1.6 or later, set General Options ->
max_days_to_hold to a small non-zero number and either run
cron/checkdbs manually or wiat for it to run as scheduled.

If 2.1.5 or earlier remove lists/<listname>/request.pck or
lists/<listname>/request.db depending on version. In this case, you
will also lose any outstanding (un)subscribe requests.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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