[Mailman-Users] Admin getting bug on one list

Bill Christensen billc_lists at greenbuilder.com
Mon Sep 29 23:32:01 CEST 2008

At 12:48 PM -0700 9/29/08, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>Bill Christensen wrote:
>>Sep 29 12:55:06 2008 admin(23693): 
>>admin(23693): [----- Mailman Version: 2.1.11 -----]
>>admin(23693): [----- Traceback ------]
>>admin(23693): Traceback (most recent call last):
>>admin(23693):   File "/usr/local/mailman/scripts/driver", line 101, 
>>in run_main
>>admin(23693):     main()
>>admin(23693):   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/admin.py", line
>>199, in main
>>admin(23693):     mlist.Save()
>>admin(23693):   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line
>>570, in Save
>>admin(23693):     self.__save(dict)
>>admin(23693):   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line
>>542, in __save
>>admin(23693):     os.unlink(fname_last)
>>admin(23693): OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument:
>Mailman is trying to save the current list configuration which it does
>by the following steps:
>1. Save the data to a unique temp name.
>2. Remove (unlink) config.pck.last
>3. Link the name config.pck.last to the file config.pck
>4. Rename the temp name to config.pck
>This is the "safe" way to essentially rename the old config.pck as
>config.pck.last and save the new data as config.pck.
>In steps 2. and 3. we ignore "non existant" errors, but raise all the
>In your case, when we try to remove
>'/usr/local/mailman/lists/aen/config.pck.last' at step 2, we are
>getting the [Errno 22] Invalid argument: error from the OS.
>What does
>   ls -l /usr/local/mailman/lists/aen/


(plus backup copies of each of those which I made)

plus a whole bunch of

  	where #### is some number


I've tried putting in each of the three backup versions (.bak, .last, 
.safety) in as config.pck with appropriate owner (as determined by 
other working lists), no luck there.

Also tried a backup from several days ago.

Is it necessary to stop/start mailman and/or repair permissions or 
anything else between each attempt?
Bill Christensen

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