[Mailman-Users] Mailman Problem

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Sep 8 18:18:13 CEST 2008

<d3v1ous at d3v1ous.info> wrote:

>root at router:~# cat /etc/passwd | grep mailman
>root at router:~#
>I not have mailman user.
>root at router:~# cat /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py | grep MAILMAN
>MAILMAN_UID = 'list'
>MAILMAN_GID = 'daemon'
>MAILMAN_SITE_LIST = 'mailman'
>root at router:~#
>I try to run mailman with postfix owned aliases but same problem.

What same problem? Why can't you post a coherent, self contained
question instead of making me search the archives for your prior post
and my reply at

>root at router:~# cd /var/lib/mailman/data
>root at router:/var/lib/mailman/data# ls -l
>total 36
>-rw-r--r-- 1 postfix postfix     0 2008-09-04 10:40 aliases
>-rw-r--r-- 1 postfix postfix 12288 2008-09-04 10:40 aliases.db
>-rw-r--r-- 1 postfix postfix    89 2008-09-05 09:56 chown
>-rw-r--r-- 1 postfix postfix    10 2008-09-03 15:46 last_mailman_version
>-rw-r--r-- 1 postfix postfix 14114 2007-02-28 23:35 sitelist.cfg
>root at router:/var/lib/mailman/data#
>Howto see mailman run group, and howto change it? I dont want to change workgroup on postfix cuz i installed spamassassin and clamav, and if i make some changes on postfix the lastest software will not work.

Your original group mismatch error in the original post said the
expected group was 'daemon' and the actual group was 'nobody'.

It looks like there are no actual aliases in /var/lib/mailman/data/ so
where is Postfix getting your list aliases?

Also, you should probably do

  cd /var/lib/mailman/data
  chown list:daemon *

also, it's not clear what the file named 'chown' is. Its name is
clearly a mistake, but whether it's a spurious creation or a spurious
renaming of something else, I don't know.
Now if Postfix were actually getting it's aliases from
/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases.db, and if
/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases.db were user:group list:daemon, one fix
for your original group mismatch error would be to make the primary
group of the 'list' user the 'daemon' group.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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