[Mailman-Users] Config question

Green Gold Capital ab3331 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Sep 7 02:48:34 CEST 2008

Hello all,

I just installed mailman version 2.1.9.cp2.

When I say "I installed", I mean that I used cpanel to do it at my web host.
I'm trying to change what I thought were some minor things, but I can't seem
to figure out how.  For example, I want to change the public name of the
list but it says "(make case-changes only)" in general options.  Well, I
want to do substantially more than make just case changes.  Right now it's
coming out as "listname_hostname", I want something more like "Company
Name's special list".  Is that possible as a mere user of the web server
(yet list admin).

Any help?

Thank you advance.

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