[Mailman-Users] Multi list management ..

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Sat Sep 6 17:47:36 CEST 2008

At 1:57 AM +0000 9/6/08, Khalil Abbas wrote:

>  it's a religious list and each subscriber invites all his friends to
>  subscribe, each one subscriber can make up to 100 people subscribe and
>  that's the beauty of it..

Okay, so you're spamming up to 100 people, at the request of a single 
person.  Doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

>  by the way, the list is about 200,000+ in size, but I have to divide it
>  on several servers because godaddy (where I host the lists) limits the
>  daily smtp relays so I can't send them all using only one server .. I have
>  3 servers with 100,000 emails per day limit each..

Given the way you've described it, I think we should probably contact 
GoDaddy and get them to terminate all your accounts.

Now, if you can convince me that you've been misinterpreted or 
misunderstood, I might hold off on doing that.  But you've got a 
tough job ahead of you.

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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