[Mailman-Users] Seeking qfiles/shunt recovery advice.

TGPlatt, WebMaster webwitchcraft at webwitchcraft.com
Fri Oct 31 14:10:21 CET 2008

As usual, you're right, Mark. That fixed it. As a result, I was able to
recover at least some of the archived messages from September and many of
the October messages that occurred during the "resurrection" and testing
period too. 

My trouble here was I could find no docs about shunt to guide me and never
realized unshunt existed until I saw your note. I went for help to the only
place I knew of where mailman's command line utilities were listed:
www.gnu.org/software/mailman/site.html Shunt isn't even mentioned there.
Next, I checked the Installation Docs again. No mention of the command line
utilities there at all. Then I tried going to "man shunt" and struck out
there as well. 

You know, Mark, the trouble with the knowledge base surrounding mailman is
there's an excess of knowledge but not enough "base" in any one spot to
enable one to find the 'firmly grounded' answers one needs. It's way too
'swampy' in many places. In fact, it reminds me of the way my father-in-law
(a lifelong soil scientist) used to describe the Rio Grande... Too thick to
drink and too thin to plow! ;-)

Without your patient and expert guidance, mailman would be nearly impossible
to install and use. Thanks again for your patience and help!

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:mark at msapiro.net] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 1:04 AM
To: webwitchcraft at webwitchcraft.com; mailman-users at python.org
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Seeking qfiles/shunt recovery advice.

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:

>Now that my archiver is working again, I have several files in qfiles/shunt
>that I'd like to recover and convince mailman to insert into my (now
>working) October archive. If it's possible to do so, I also have a few
>shunted files from the end of September that I'd like to recover and have
>included in the September archive as well.
>Can anyone point me to a post that explains how to retrieve and
>recover pck files from the qfiles/shunt directory and convince ARCHrunner
to try processing them again?

Run Mailman's bin/unshunt --help

In this case all you should need to do is put the old *.pck files from
the old shunt directory into the current shunt directory along with
the current shunted *.pck files and run 'bin/unshunt'.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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