[Mailman-Users] Mailman on multiple domains

Scott Race scott at jda-networks.com
Tue Oct 28 21:20:02 CET 2008

As a follow-up, I don't seem to have the virtual-mailman file on my
server anywhere as stated in the documentation....



From: Scott Race 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:18 PM
To: mailman-users at python.org
Subject: Mailman on multiple domains


I have Postfix and Mailman running on a RHLE server.  Mailman and
Postfix work fine for a single domain setup.


I have now setup my postfix configuration setup to accept mail for
multiple domains.  I did so editing main.cf to include the new domain I
want to receive mail for, created a local user account for the user, and
created a virtual_alias_maps file which tells the email to the second
domain to forward to the new user account I setup.


So I have mailman running on a new VirtualHost, I can create a list from
the web interface, I can join lists and all emails from the system look
ok (having the second domain name).  When posting, I get the following:


Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.


      Subject:             Test Post

      Sent:                 10/28/2008 1:11 PM


The following recipient(s) could not be reached:


      Scott-test-request at second-domain.org on 10/28/2008 1:11 PM

            You do not have permission to send to this recipient.  For
assistance, contact your system administrator.



This must have something to do with my virtual_alias_maps file, which
currently has nothing in it except a map from the second domain to a
local user (which I just did as a test).  I'm sure I'm missing something





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