[Mailman-Users] How did I break my mailman?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Oct 24 21:52:50 CEST 2008

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:

>Thanks Mark... obviously one of those things was exactly the enema mailman
>needed because as soon as I finished them (and restarted our server) I found
>a whole boatload of emails in each of my test subscriber inboxes. I guess
>that means all the other list members probably got them too. 
>Although I've absolutely nothing that should have changed permissions in
>DAYS now (and when I last checked permissions, it was clean, check_perms
>still did find a single permissions error on aliases.db 
>Could THAT have somehow been the cause of mailman's sudden bout of email
>constipation? If so, do you any idea what might have caused the permission
>change when I'd done nothing to those files?

Creating/deleting lists with MTA = 'Postfix' updates data/aliases and
then runs POSTFIX_ALIAS_CMD (default '/usr/sbin/postalias') to update
aliases.db. This can change the ownership/permissions on aliases.db,
but it shouldn't cause any problem, and if it did cause a problem, it
would cause Postfix to reject incoming mail; it wouldn't affect
outgoing mail delivery.

The likely cause of no outgoing mail in this case is OutgoingRunner not
running or hung waiting for an SMTP response from the outgoing MTA.

Check Mailman's 'error', 'qrunner' and 'smtp-failure' logs for any
error reports.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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