[Mailman-Users] Question about footers (again)

Allan Trick atrick at prin.edu
Thu Oct 23 00:20:22 CEST 2008

Some members of the list posted back in 2003 about known problems 
with footers not appearing in mail readers like Outlook using default settings.

I'm using Mailman 2.1.5 and wondering if I upgrade to a newer version 
will I get any better results with messages going out that "hide" the 
footer as an attachment?

I suspect the problem is, as was explained in some of those old list 
messages, that senders are sending RTF or HTML, but the footer is 
plain text, so Mailman separates them.

If MM developers have figured out a way in a newer version to better 
assure people won't miss the footer, I'd appreciate knowing (and will 
upgrade).  Or if there are any other nifty ideas to get around this 
problem in 2.1.5, I'd appreciate knowing that as well!


Allan Trick
Principia College
Elsah, Illinois

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