[Mailman-Users] How can I get an ascii dump of the mailmanusers list for a backup?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Nov 28 23:08:48 CET 2008

Brad Knowles wrote:

>on 11/28/08 2:30 PM, Robin McCain said:
>> I need to backup my mailman database and do some user maintenance - how 
>> can I get a .csv file or something similar so I can compare the present 
>> list to the list I entered 6 months ago?
>You won't get a .csv file.  Mailman does not generate files that would 
>be suitable for importing into anything remotely resembling a spreadsheet.
>If you read FAQ 4.9 (see 
>you'll note a number of commands related to user membership, and the 
>specific command "list_members" will show you who all is subscribed to 
>whatever list you specify.  That's probably the closest you're going to get.

Also see the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/aYA9> for a ling to a
script that runs on your work station and screen scrapes the web admin
interface and can make a csv file.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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