[Mailman-Users] Mailman is no longer gatewaying news...

Grant Taylor gtaylor at riverviewtech.net
Fri Nov 14 20:26:55 CET 2008

On 11/13/08 13:22, Taylor, Grant wrote:
> I do believe that sounds completely plausible and is exactly the type of 
> problem that I was thinking was going on.  Well very close.  It does 
> appear to be related to the ""remembered messages not being correct (as 
> opposed to being corrupted).

I just received confirmation that the news server did indeed change 
things.  In fact the news service provider is changing from one data 
center to another by way of bring a new facility on line and migrating 
connections over to it.  In the process of the migration all the message 
IDs changed.

So now I need to find the new message ID for the last message that I 
received.  I believe with that information I can set my watermark to 
that and Mailman will then catch up.

Grant. . . .

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