[Mailman-Users] Is your mail getting there?

Andrew Field > ZOL andrew at field.co.zw
Sat Nov 8 10:51:48 CET 2008

This may seem a little bit strange a question.  How do you know if your mail
sent through Mailman is getting to all members of your particular list.  I
run a list which contains 1,300 members.  I have five addresses on this list
and I know that messages sent were only delivered to one of my addresses
(different names and domains).  Question is how man others on the list are
not receiving the mail?  Can one ascertain who received and who did not?  I
suspect the problem might lay with the anti-spamming rules of the server on
which I operate - they only allow so many messages to be sent through a mail
box each hour.  What I don't know is how Mailman reacts to this, does it
process according to the server's anti spam rules or does it just roll over
and die, not completing the task?

With kind regards

Andrew D Field
PO Box HG 935, Highlands, Zimbabwe

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