[Mailman-Users] Configure Repy-To header for confirmations

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Nov 3 07:06:56 CET 2008

Dennis Putnam wrote:

>The MTA that delivers to mailman is postfix but as I said above, the
>issue is that I have to use fetchmail. As far as mailman is concerned it
>is indeed going to list-request so the actual address used by list
>members is transparent to mailman. That is why I need to munge the
>Reply-To header for confirmations.


>Actually no. There is only 1 list that otherwise exceeds this limit. The
>mapping can be deduced programmatically. It is simply the list name
>prepended to 'req' rather than prepended to '-request'.

The attached MailList.patch.txt patch (with an appropriate value for
MAGIC_LENGTH) or something like it should do what you want for the
-request address.

The attached MailList.patch2.txt patch is a slight modification that
handles substituting listabc for list-abcdef for any abcdef.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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