[Mailman-Users] Mailman FAQ: a call for help

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Tue May 27 21:32:40 CEST 2008

Ever wanted to help out with Mailman but didn't know how?   Here's  
your chance!

I've been trying to make the wiki into the one-stop-shop for Mailman  
documentation, and as part of that process, I made a script that  
moved the Mailman FAQ entries into the wiki.


You'll see that there's around 200 entries in there now, organized  
into sections as they were originally in the FAQ Wizard:


I need some people who've got a few minutes to help out with cleaning  
up the wiki FAQ entries.  You don't need to know the answers -- I  
just need some volunteers who can fix some links and maybe do some  
organization.  I don't need any huge time commitment, just sign up  
for a wiki account and do an entry or two when you've got some spare  
Most of the pages just need someone to convert the FAQ Wizard links  
to internal wiki links (eg: in http://wiki.list.org/x/PIA9), maybe  
fix some other formatting (eg: look at http://wiki.list.org/x/p4A9  
and how the preformatted stuff is inexplicably in three blocks rather  
than one).    It's an easy job, it's just that at 200 pages, I could  
use some help!

If you have any questions or need any help getting started, please  
let me know!


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