[Mailman-Users] How many bounces

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Sun May 4 23:26:08 CEST 2008

On 5/3/08, <admin at evasfamily.com> wrote:

>  I understand how to set bounce thresholds, but is there a place to see
>  where indidivual users are at regarding bounces?

Look in the log files.  Specifically, /usr/local/mailman/logs/bounce, 
or wherever your Mailman installation places the log files on the 

>                                                    Let's say I have the
>  threshold set to 5 bounces.  Obvioulsy mailman is keeping track of each
>  users number of bounces that are "current".  How can I see where each
>  user is at?  It seems it would make a nice column addition to the
>  Membership Management table.

So far as I know, there are no current plans to put this kind of 
information into the web interface, although I think that would be a 
good idea.  Please fill out a change request via the page on 

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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