[Mailman-Users] Full personalization and HTML problems

Zbigniew Szalbot zszalbot at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 12:15:09 CET 2008


I am being told by some subscribers that the HTML emails they receive
via a list run by Mailman contain attachments, although the original
emails have none.

In message body they only have their email address and attached they
have a file called ATT00351.htm and two inline images which were part
of the email. So if they want to see the content, they need to open
the html attachment.

I have now switched to no personalization at all but I am not sure
this will be enough. As for other settings, I do not have anything
added by Mailmain in footers. Scrub attachments of regular delivery
message? is set to No.

What can I do to make sure, the email is presented as is without being
put into attachments? They claim to be using Outlook. As a matter of
fact I also use Outlook at work and do not have such a problem. Thank

Zbigniew Szalbot

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