[Mailman-Users] Ongoing delivery issues - First Yahoo, now AOL

Larry Stone lstone19 at stonejongleux.com
Sun Mar 9 23:41:06 CET 2008

On 3/9/08 10:34 AM, Paul at unix at bikesn4x4s.com wrote:

> Have you considered hosting yourself?  Some ISP's actually do let
> customers run servers and have fixed IP address.  Speakeasy.net is one of
> them.  I've been using them for 7 years now, and consider them the best of
> the best.

I'm with Speakeasy as well and completely agree with both the idea of doing
it yourself (as I do on a Macintosh) and using Speakeasy.

Besides just the fact that they have a servers permitted policy, they also
have clueful technical support who will actually believe you when you say
you've toubleshot your end and you're sure it's their problem (which is a
rare in any event). On the rare occasions I need to call, the person who
answers is almost always able to discuss the issue in real technical terms
and deal with problem without having to refer it to "level 2" or "level 3"

I also had no problem having them change the reverse DNS on my address to my
domain name, something that makes spam detection software happier.

Larry Stone
lstone19 at stonejongleux.com

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