[Mailman-Users] Whitelisting members of sublists?

Kelly Jones kelly.terry.jones at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 22:10:47 CET 2008

I have a list X that contains two sub-lists: Y and Z.

The members of Y can post to Y w/o being held, and the members of Z
can post to Z w/o being held.

However, if a Y member posts to X, his message is held, since he's not
directly on X (he's on Y, which is on X, so he's only indirectly on X).

Is there an easy fix for this? Does Mailman understand the concept of
"sublists", or does it treat sublists as just regular email addresses?
Can I make Mailman think "hey, this email address on this list is
coming to my domain and it's the name of another list I manage-- I'll
treat it special"?

I realize I can whitelist on a one-off basis or even script something
to run in cron, but that's ugly for a general solution.

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