[Mailman-Users] Permissions on Symbolic Links Files

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Jul 30 20:13:04 CEST 2008

Barry Finkel wrote:

>< #     The following line was commented by BSFinkel 07/01/2008 because 
>< #     the directory "admin" does not exist in Mailman 2.1.10 nor .11.
>< #     cp -a admin/www debian/mailman/usr/share/doc/$(package)/html
>>       cp -a admin/www debian/mailman/usr/share/doc/$(package)/html
>Of course, the admin line was only commented in 2.1.11, not in 2.1.9.

Between 2.1.9 and 2.1.10, all the documentation was moved from the
'code' branches to a separate branch. In 2.1.9, the doc/ directory
contained primarily the LaTex source for the mailman-admin,
mailman-install and mailman-member manuals and and the admin/www
directory contained the HTML, Postscript, PDF and plain text versions
plus the HTML (and the files from which it is generated) for the
<http://www.list.org/> web site.

Beginning in 2.1.10, the doc/ directory contains most of what was
previously in the admin/www/ directory, the exception being the files
for the <http://www.list.org/> web site.

The bottom line is if you want the docs in the
debian/mailman/usr/share/doc directory, you can change

      cp -a admin/www debian/mailman/usr/share/doc/$(package)/html


      cp -a doc debian/mailman/usr/share/doc/$(package)/html

instead of commenting it and the result will be similar to 2.1.9.

>That rules file has two sections of code:
>        autoconf
>        ./configure --prefix=/var/lib/$(package) --with-username=list \
>                --with-groupname=list \
>                --with-mail-gid=list --with-cgi-gid=www-data \
>                --without-permcheck --with-mailhost=localhost \
>                --with-urlhost=localhost
>binary-arch:    checkroot build
>        $(checkdir)
>#       rm -rf debian/mailman && install -d debian/mailman
>        dh_installdirs
>        dh_installchangelogs
>        $(MAKE) doinstall prefix=$$(pwd)/debian/mailman/var/lib/$(package) \
>                var_prefix=$$(pwd)/debian/mailman/var/lib/$(package) \
>                icondir=$$(pwd)/debian/mailman/usr/share/images/mailman \
>                ICONDIR=$$(pwd)/debian/mailman/usr/share/images/mailman
>and I did not want to make any changes to the directories into which
>Ubuntu/Debian stores the Mailman files.
>I am assuming that with a straight Debian/Ubuntu package install the
>same symlinks and directories that I have are present therein.  Can
>someone who has an unmodifed Debian/Ubuntu package for Mailman confirm
>this?  Thanks.

I can't confirm this based on the package, but it appears from the
above that everything is configured to be installed in
/var/lib/mailman, but that some (but not all) of the 'PREFIX'
directories are actually installed by the package in /usr/lib/mailman.
If that is the case, then the symlinks are necessary.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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