[Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] GNU Mailman Site Redesign

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Wed Jul 23 21:46:36 CEST 2008

Terri Oda wrote:

> The original version I had used the standard link colours (ie - it 
> didn't set them), and comments ranged from just general malaise about 
> the colour scheme of the links to several people who asserted it was 
> nearly unreadable on their setups.

That implies their client is misconfigured and that should be their problem 
and not ours.  Right?

>                                     So I'll take the comment under 
> advisement, but I suspect you're going to be in the minority.

I would urge caution about paying too much attention to a vocal minority, to 
the potential detriment of the majority who aren't complaining.

Now, if this was being driven by 508 compliance for accessibility and there 
simply were no other viable options, it would be more difficult for me to 
have grounds for a complaint.  But so far I haven't heard terms like that.

> Since I've since changed the original css, here's the current stuff with 
> no link colours specified (so they default to your browser settings):
> http://terri.zone12.com/mm-website/?css=mailman-nolink

IMO, that looks much better.

>> Did you want to mention the official Mailman group on LinkedIn?  Of 
>> course, I can't figure out how to give you a link that will take you 
>> to their page for the group as opposed to the "home page" that I 
>> defined for the group (namely www.list.org), but that may be something 
>> we can resolve.
> Seems like a good fit for the "Participate" page!  I've put it just 
> under the wiki entry.

Cool.  Thanks!

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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