[Mailman-Users] My issue with using web server on the server to get to mailman

Mike Brown brown at mrvideo.vidiot.com
Fri Jul 18 06:12:05 CEST 2008

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 12:27:27PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Anyway, changing that to should do what you want; the DSL
> box can't get its hands on that since it never leaves the local host
> at all.

Found it.  I have two Opera browsers running (don't ask) with separate .opera
files.  Something came to mind and to test the theory out, I went to the 2nd
browser and guess what, it worked.  I can get to the mailman web page even.

Take a deep breath, think for a couple of seconds and the reason why will
instantly occur to you.




Once the internet address was found, it got cached.

Crap, I've cleared the cache and the history and it still goes there.
I had to clear everything and get out of Opera, because there is also 20MB
of memory cache :-)

Thanks for the pointer to use the local loopback interface.  Much better
to use that.

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