[Mailman-Users] Renaming lists - how to change the list "real_name" afterwards

Aidan C A Hopkins aidan at wemail.info
Thu Jul 17 18:46:59 CEST 2008

I have renamed two GNU Mailman lists using the four "mv" commands in the 
middle of the following FAQ:


When I go back into the new admin screen, the list name in the first box 
still shows "oldlist" and needs changing to "newlist".

I get this error if I try to do so on that screen:

  Error: real_name attribute not changed! It must differ from the list's 
name by case only.

I was expecting this to happen, so presumably there is a further edit 
needed to change the list real_name - which is of course referenced in 
the footer lines of admin and listinfo screens, and appears in the list 
of lists also.

I have done various searchs on the Wiki/FAQ without success. Any pointers 

will be much appreciated.



A C A Hopkins               | T: 01344 430023
Wemail                      | 
VIRGINIA WATER, GU25 4RD    | E: servermgr at odg.org.uk
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