[Mailman-Users] Can't create list

Mike Brown brown at mrvideo.vidiot.com
Sun Jul 13 23:41:19 CEST 2008

I am getting extremely frustrated.

Keep in mind that the server is on a DSL, static IP, on the LAN side of the DSL
with an IP of  The vidiot.com obviously points to the real outside

If I traceroute vidiot.com, it never goes the the DSlam gateway and back.

Until trying to do things with mailman, having to get at my webpages on the
server via http://localhost/... has not been a problem.

Can't get there via http:/vidiot.com/ as I get the following error:

	404 Not Found
	The requested URL '/mailman/create' was not found on this server.
Can not for the life of me figure out why the DocumentRoot is not getting
prepended to the request.  If I knew how it was coming at the server, I might
be able to place something in the config file, but what I've tried hasn't

If I come at the create with localhost, or, I get the following

	Error: Unknown virtual host: localhost
	Error: Unknown virtual host:

I'm about ready to make a boat anchor out of this thing.

e-mail: vidiot at vidiot.com                                /~\ The ASCII
[I've been to Earth.  I know where it is.         ]      \ / Ribbon Campaign
[And I'm gonna take us there.    Starbuck  3/25/07]       X  Against
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