[Mailman-Users] DB > mailman import script?

Barry Finkel b19141 at britaine.ctd.anl.gov
Mon Jan 28 14:37:18 CET 2008

"Zbigniew Szalbot" <zszalbot at gmail.com> wrote:

>Is there a script to insert users from a mysql database into mailman?
>I can do it manually but I am wondering if there is a script to load a
>list of subscribers from a mysql database to a specific mailman list
>and if it is one which can be automated?
>Thank you in advance!
>Zbigniew Szalbot

You can create a flat file from the database and use

     sync_members -w=no -g=no -d=no -a=no -f flatfile $listname

to synch the membership list quietly (without any notification to
new subscribers or those who are unsubscribed).  I do this for many
of my lists every day via cron.
Barry S. Finkel
Computing and Information Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory          Phone:    +1 (630) 252-7277
9700 South Cass Avenue               Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
Building 222, Room D209              Internet: BSFinkel at anl.gov
Argonne, IL   60439-4828             IBMMAIL:  I1004994

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