[Mailman-Users] Bounce Problem, mistyped address

Tony Molloy tony.molloy at ul.ie
Fri Jan 11 10:52:58 CET 2008


I've been using mailman now for several years and have migrated my lists from 
Redhat-9 to Centos-4 and Centos-5. They all seem to be working OK

I'm seeing the following errors in my mailman logs

smtp log

 Jan 11 08:00:01 2008 (13841) 
<mailman.0.1200038401.5565.gsd at mail.csidmzs.ul.ie> smtp to gsd for 1 recips, 
completed in 0.029 seconds

smtp-failure log

Jan 11 08:00:01 2008 (13841) SMTP session failure: 553, 5.1.8 
<gsd-bounces+gsd-owner=mail.csidmzs.ul.ie at mail.csidmzs.ul.ie>... Domain of 
sender address gsd-bounces+gsd-owner=mail.csidmzs.ul.ie at mail.csidmzs.ul.ie 
does not exist, msgid: <mailman.0.1200038401.5565.gsd at mail.csidmzs.ul.ie>

Now I know the problem mail.csidmzs.ul.ie is incorrect. It should be 
mail.csisdmz.ul.ie. I presume during one of the migrations I must have 
mistyped something. But does anybody have any idea of where mailman is 
picking up the mistyped address and how can I sort it out.



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