[Mailman-Users] Question about suggested site-wide list from install documentation

steve flynnibus at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 4 15:32:45 CET 2008

Hello all, trying to setup mailman on a linux 2.6.9 distrobution were mailman was installed, but not configured previously.

I'm following the documentation and have a question about the 'site-wide' list described in this step of the documentation


It states it should be named 'mailman' by default and that you setup the aliases for the mailing list after creation in /etc/aliases

My question is... since the aliases setup for the list is actually the same as the username that is setup to execute mailman.. any mail sent back to the user (such as from cron) get sent to the list.  This results in a bounce email because I get an error message from the cron job.. which comes from root at fqdn gets sent to mailman - which due to the aliases goes to the list - which gets bounced because root is not a subscriber of the list.  Of course I can add root as a subscribed member - but this doesn't seem like the intended behavior.

What exactly is this mailman distribution group used for?  Who should really be a member of the group?


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