[Mailman-Users] OT: Barracuda Reputation

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Thu Feb 7 02:19:20 CET 2008

On 2/6/08, Karl Zander wrote:

>  Thanks for the feedback.  What I find most frustrating is sites just
>  trusting this stuff without thought.  "Our spam filter caught it,
>  therefore it is bad.  You have a problem and are sending spam."  Sigh.
>  If I am able to walk them through the "look at the topic being
>  discussed" some come around.

Yes, Barracuda is screwed up and very badly managed.  Always has been 
(although it's gotten worse since they first rolled out), probably 
always will.

Of the appliances, Ironport seems to be not-too-bad on the technical 
"does it work" side, and seems to scale much better, too. 
Personally, I don't like any kind of appliance for this role, but if 
you have to have an appliance, Ironport seems like it would be a much 
better choice than Barracuda.

IMO, people who use Barracuda get what they deserve.

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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