[Mailman-Users] Mailman + STARTTLS

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Mon Feb 4 20:26:09 CET 2008

Ralf Hildebrandt, on 2/4/2008 1:18 PM, said the following:
>> How do I tell mailman to use TLS?

> I let mailman talk to localhost, and postfix on localhost does all the
> TLS stuff

Thanks Ralf,

Hmmm... ok, the default is supposed to be localhost... I'm not 
over-riding SMTPHOST in mm_cfg_py... and I confirmed that it is still 
set to localhost in Defaults.py (yes, I know not to change these, I just 
wanted to make sure it was set correctly there).

So, the question is, why do I get these errors when I enforce TLS on 
port 25?

I'm guessing this is a postfix issue then?


Best regards,


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