[Mailman-Users] connect to exchange server

Grant Taylor gtaylor at riverviewtech.net
Wed Dec 17 22:37:47 CET 2008

On 12/17/08 15:32, Adam McGreggor wrote:
> Last time I looked at doing this, I ended up sub-domaining out 
> (lists.example.org), and installing a *nix box, Exim, and Mailman for 
> that subdom (plus appropriate DNS records).

*nod*  That is what I've done.

However this may not be the most appropriate thing to do in some 
installs, namely installs that have port 25 port forwarded through the 
firewall to the Exchange box.  In this case, you can't port forward 25 
to a different server.  Thus you are left with having Exchange relay 
that domain and set up internal mail routing to relay messages to the 
internal Mailman box.  (I'm fairly confident that Exchange can be made 
to relay for other domains but I've never done it, nor would I want to.)

Now on the other hand, the OP may find it advantageous to port forward 
port 25 to the Mailman box and run an MTA with better spam filtering and 
then have it relay the main domain back to Exchange.  :)  As a plus, you 
would not have IIS / Exchange exposed to the world via NAT port 
forwarding, which is ALWAYS a plus.  :}

> I think I got as far as setting up ActivePython, and building 
> Mailman, to give up at some point, and used a "proper" OS; that in 
> mind, though, I'm not a Python fan, and knew it would take me <1 hour 
> to have things operational on $OTHER-BOX.

Yep.  I am right there with you.  Mailman is my only use for Python.

> I'd suggest using IMAPS over POP3, ymmv.

Possibly.  Though IMAP is meant for storing messages on the server where 
as POP3 is meant for queuing messages, which is more in line with what 
would be needed here.  There is also the fact that one or the other 
protocol would have to be installed in Exchange.  Most of the systems 
I've seen already have POP3 installed but would need to have IMAP 
installed.  Thus you are possibly making more changes to Exchange and 
potentially aggravating an Exchange admin.

Grant. . . .

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