[Mailman-Users] majordomo type unique subscribe address for all lists on a site?

Benoit Panizzon benoit.panizzon at imp.ch
Thu Sep 27 15:38:12 CEST 2007

Hi All

A while ago I did migrate a listserver from majordomo to mailman. Everything 
worked very well, but there is one issue which causes me a headache.

There are a few popular lists on this server which are mentioned on various 
websites 'out there'.

Of course the instructions on how to subscribe still reffer to majordomo:

=> send a list to majordomo at listserver and put 'subscribe listname' in the 
mail body.

I did hope to be able to get mailman to also understand such requests but I'm 
still failing.

I made a mail forwarding from majordomo at listserver to 
mailman-request at listserver so the old majordomo address still does work.

But mailman does only just understand the keyword 'subscribe' and does not 
parse the following maillist name.

So all users trying to subscribe the majordomo way to the maillist end up by 
subscribing to the internal 'mailman' mailinglist instead to the one they 
wish to subscribe to.

Does anyone know a solution to this problem?


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