[Mailman-Users] Incorrect link on empty archive page

Mark Dale mdale at geniusmoon.com.au
Wed Nov 14 22:49:32 CET 2007

Yes, the "%(listname)s" bit is fine when there is something in the 
archive. It's weird that it gets malformed (i.e the missing slash) when 
the archive is empty.

I tried some edits on "emptyarchive.html" file and restarted Mailman, 
but these edits didn't show up - so does that mean the empty arhive page 
is coming from somewhere other than "emptyarchive.html"?

Mark Dale

Barry Finkel wrote:

 > Mark Sapiro reponded recently to one of my postings that the archive
 > page is static.  If you post something to the list, then the archive
 > page will be rebuilt and will have the proper hyperlinks.  I followed
 > Mark's advice, and my hyperlinks were corrected.  Why the hyperlink is
 > bad I do not know.  In my cases, it was due to different
 > values when I was initially installing Mailman on my test system.
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 > Barry S. Finkel

> Mark Dale <mdale at geniusmoon.com.au> wrote:
>> On the Archives page, when the archives are empty, Mailman displays the 
>> following message (which is correct).
>> "No messages have been posted to this list yet, so the archives are 
>> currently empty. You can get <more information about this list>."
>> However, there is an error with the "more info" link -  a slash is 
>> missing between "mailman" and "listinfo" in the link, and of course I 
>> get  a "Not found" reply.
>> Not Found
>> The requested URL .../cgi-bin/mailmanlistinfo/gen... was not found on 
>> this server.
>> I had a look at "emptyarchive.html" and it looks fine. The 
>> "%(listinfo)s" works on other pages.
>> --- snip from /etc/mailman/en/emptyarchive.html
>> <h1>The %(listname)s Archives </h1>
>> <p>
>> No messages have been posted to this list yet, so the archives are
>> currently empty.  You can get <a href="%(listinfo)s">more information
>> about this list</a>.
>> --- end snip

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