[Mailman-Users] How to configure a list for invitation-only subscriptions?

Carter Braxton cbraxton at iname.com
Fri May 18 03:54:23 CEST 2007

On 5/17/07, Patrick Bogen <pdbogen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Set 'advertised' to 'No' and 'subscribe_policy' to at least 'Require
> approval,' if not 'Confirm and approve.'
> Then, send invitations from Member Management > Mass Subscribe. (set
> 'Subscribe these users now or invite them?' to 'invite')

Thanks -- I thought of trying something like that, trouble is that requires that I would have to manually approve all of those who respond to the invitations, and that could potentially be several hundred (kind of a pain).

> (Is there a better way to do any part of this?)

I would think this is a common enough requirement that there would be. My web searches just turned up Mailman-based lists that said they were "invitation-only," but I could find nothing about how to set up that configuration. 

I disabled the "-join" email alias to prevent random subscriptions through that path, but someone could still potentially sign up via the web interface if, say, a member showed them the proper URL. (Maybe edit any of the html files that offer the signup option?)

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